Survey – EU-BR Final Research Priority Report | ATMOSPHERE

Survey – EU-BR Final Research Priority Report

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We are carrying out an online survey in order to further scope a number of relevant policy areas in ICT so the EU-Brazil communities can work together to address them. Thank you for your time!  If you could pass this link on to a colleague we’d be most appreciative!


SECTION A:  About you

SECTION B:  Your knowledge and participation in the EU & Brazil (EU-BR) ICT Calls

SECTION C: Your view about priorities in ICT Cooperation between Brazil and Europe.

On each question use a scale of 1 (less relevant) to 5 (very relevant) to define your view on the proposed topics.

SECTION D: Your view about the impact that ICT Cooperation should bring to Brazil and Europe.

On each topic use a scale of 1 (less relevant) to 5 (very relevant) to define your view on the proposed topic.

1. ICT Solutions, research projects and computational approaches should have higher impact in the following areas

2. Besides the areas listed in the previous question, include (at most) 03 additional areasand their impact that you consider that also should be included in the list:

3. The research cooperation between Brazil and Europe should impact and bring the following benefits for the societies of both regions:

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4. Beside the benefits listed in the previous question, please include 02 (at most) additional benefits and their impact that you consider that also should be included in the list:

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ATMOSPHERE is funded by the European Union under the Cooperation Programme, Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 777154. Este projeto é resultante da 4ª Chamada Coordenada BR-UE em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), anunciada pela Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) e pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (MCTIC), no âmbito to acordo de cooperação Número 51119. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms of use

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