Flávio de Oliveira Silva
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Prof. Flávio is an Associate professor at Faculty of Computing (FACOM) in the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). He holds more twenty years of experience in software development industry, especially in highly available and distributed web-based systems. Also, has experience in project management using the method of PMI, team building, and training of professionals. Member of IEEE, ACM and SBC societies, has several has several papers published and presented in conferences around the world and is a reviewer of journals such as Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Journal and IEEE Network Magazine. Also, member of Technical Program Committee (TCP) several IEEE conferences such as ICC, SOCA, and NETSOFT. He is an Individual Member of the FIWARE Foundation and a participant in the FIWARE Mundus and FIWARE iHub Mission Support Committees (MSC).
His current research interests are related with: Future Networks, Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing, Software based Innovation.
Since 2011 is building an active collaboration on Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I) on ICT between Brazil and Europe and was a partner of FP7 funded projects OFELIA and FIWARE that are related with the Future Internet to deploy a new infrastructure that will support a new generation of components and systems.
Since 2014 is the coordinator at UFU of the FIWARE Future Internet Innovation LABoratories (FIILAB), funded by FP7 inside the FIWARE project. FIILAB proposed a dissemination model that focused the potential of the local ICT ecosystem on creating the conditions to support the development of innovative services and applications by local entrepreneurs. As a consequence to the FIILAB project, Uberlandia holds a FIWARE iHub that supports several ongoing activities in an active liaison with the local innovation ecosystem.
Since 2017 is the local coordinator at UFU of the H2020 5GINFRE project that aims to establish a 5G NFV-enabled experimental facility to instantiate and support vertical industries that will be provided to different actors of the 5G ecosystem (startups, industry, SDOs, operators, academia, research institutes) to experimentally contribute to 5G development and deployment
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ATMOSPHERE is funded by the European Union under the Cooperation Programme, Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 777154. Este projeto é resultante da 4ª Chamada Coordenada BR-UE em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), anunciada pela Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) e pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (MCTIC), no âmbito to acordo de cooperação Número 51119. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms of use