Both privacy probe and actuator are components responsible for collecting privacy-related information from data sources and send this information to the TMA (Trustworthiness Monitoring and Assessment) Framework layer in the Atmosphere architecture. Probes and actuator are deployed alongside with DTDMS (Distributed Trustworthy Data Management Services) and should collect privacy-related measures from datasets retrieved from these services.
The demo presented an end-to-end cycle of probes collecting privacy measures (risk of re-identification and information loss) sending it through the MAPE-K cycle of the TMA Framework and the activation of the actuator to increse the level of anonymization for the data under analysis/use.
This demo works both as a proof of concept for the TMA Framework architecture and the evaluation of the mechanism proposed for privacy monitoring and assessment through anonymization techniques.
The conceptual architecture was successfully evaluated which gave us the positive indication to implement the concrete architecture (under development). In addition, the privacy mechanisms is now available for experiments to evaluate privacy-lreated threats.
Data owner and scientists have no clue regarding possible privacy risks their data were exposed to.
Data owner and scientists have information on how risky is the disclosure of data and how useful anonymized data is.
Application developer
Not evaluated yet.
Data scientist
Data processing can be performed ensuring privacy in the final results.
Application manager
No additional burden
System administrator
Informed how healthy is the cloud data services regarding privacy issues.
Data owner
He is able to define data privacy policies and enforce them to every data leaving out of the cloud system.
More info soon
More info soon