The tool enables the capturing of personal data related to an organisation's processing activities. This tool distinguishes personal - sensitive data, captures the various related to processing activity roles, and visualises the data flow within an organisation and the usage of each type of data.
The objective of the demo was to demonstrate the main functionalities of the tool, focusing on the characteristics of the visualisation of the important information, which can act as a facilitator for organisations towards their compliance with the GDPR
Personal data within an organisation is too challenging to be identified, categorised, analysed. This tool facilitates data controllers preserve the data they keep in an easy and comprehensible way.
Personal and special categories of personal data can be identified, as well as realise the flow of this data, for what purposes this data has been requested, and under which legal ground the corresponding processing is being conducted
There was no specific tool enabling capturing of the personal data an organisation keeps, defining, in parallel, all the requirements that the "record of activities" that the GDPR imposes, dictates
The provided tool facilitates data controllers and/or data processors to define preciselly, in a visuallised way, their processing activities
Application developer
Not relevant
Data scientist
Not relevant
Application manager
Uses this solution to Identify, categorise and Analyse the personal data processed by the application
System administrator
Not relevant
Data owner
Has guarantees that their data is being processed lawfully
More info soon
More info soon